Wednesday, May 16, 2012

My First Big Girl CrossFit Class

Holy flock.

Elements did not prepare me for this.

::Warm up::
800m run
3 rounds 15 mins:
5 wall squats
20 lunges with 45lb bar
30sec chin above bar 

I started sweating during the wall squats. All the running I've done has made my hips and hamstrings as flexible as iron. Looks like squats will be a work in progress. 

Chin above the bar was ridiculous. I was too stubborn to use a band and should have so that I'd have actually finished a set... We had five minute cutoffs to complete each round. I whipped through squats and lunges ok and then would get to about 20-25secs (total, not all at once) in the two minutes I'd have left. Arms. They are weak.

3 x 8 back squats with 45lbs; 55lbs; 55lbs

20mins (finished in 18:40)
15 chin ups (used big blue band)
25 back squats (55lbs)

I thought I was going to pass out doing chin ups. My arms are absolutely shredded. They are frustratingly weak. For the back squats I was limited by these matchstick arms because I can't press very much over my head.

Afterwards, I spent 20mins lying on the floor of my shower... hoping the jelly feeling would pass.

I'm getting stronger.

Big girls don't cry.

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