Wednesday, May 9, 2012

hoodie's Elements #3

I'm halfway through the Elements series. The last sessions are lined up back to back this week on Thursday and Friday. Having to just hear about Tetz's big girl class experience, and not get to go myself, is making me crazy jealous!

The weekend was spent recovering. Like really recovering. Ice, Traumeel cream, Ibuprofen and rest. It wasn't until Monday that I could raise my hands to my face without grimacing. When I told Chris about this, I saw a look of glee flash across his face. Evil.

Last night we focused on squats. Pretty straight forward, not very demanding unless Chris was physically hauling my arms and upper body into a (even more) upright position. All the running I've done in the last few years has curbed my flexibility, especially hamstrings and hip flexors. Last night I found them again.

We also learned how to do pull ups. Since I've got matchstick arms, I can only do one... maybe... so Chris taught a modification that still gets you working with your body weight.

Key takeaways: lead with your ass. Open your hips! (aka Squeeze your butt... aka Whistle whistle!) For pull ups, palms are facing away from your body. When doing the modification, jump. Seriously. What would you rather have? Sore arms or sore legs? I pick legs. Every time.

5 pull ups
10 push ups
15 squats

I finished 4.5 rounds. Push ups suck.
5x(5 pull ups)
4.5x (10 push ups)
4 x (15 squats)

Why are my arms sore!?! I picked legs!!

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