Like any good discipline, CrossFit has it's own set of acronyms and lexicon of terms. AMRAP in the CrossFit world means As Many Rounds As Possible. There's a number after it usually, 12 in the case of last night's workout, that indicates the length of the workout. This, of course, leads to a CrossFit joke: CrossFitters do it AMRAP 15.
Here's what I put into my journal last night:
12 push press (45lbs, Rx 85lbs)
15 pull ups (green band, Rx 12 chest to bar)
12 pistons (45lb plate + med ball)
Score: 2 + 12 p. press + 10 pull ups
Here's what that actually means:
Last night's workout was 12 minutes long. We were to complete as many rounds as possible of the exercises in that time.
I did two complete rounds plus 12 push presses and 10 pull ups in the 12 minutes. I did not complete the prescribed workout, denoted by the Rx.
For push presses, I used 40lbs less weight than prescribed. Chris, the coach, said the weight I uses was too light and I need to go higher next time.
Pull ups continue to be a weak spot for me. Since I still can't do them very well I used the green band, which offers the most assistance. Additionally, because I unable to do chest to bar, I had to do additional reps.
Lastly for pistons, aka one legged squats, I put a 16lb medicine ball on top of a 45lb plate to lower myself to.
What did this feel like?
Well, dirty. Sweaty. To put this into better context: it was balls hot.
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