I'm a bit behind on posting my workouts so you're getting a 2 for 1 deal!
17 May 2012 WOD:
5 rounds for time (who knows what my time was... my brain was mush and didn't look at the clock)
10 power cleans (55 lbs)
15 wallballs (8 lbs)
This workout wasn't so bad except for the power cleans. I dropped the bar on my left shoulder twice and caught my collar bone too so I have a couple healthy bruises. I need to focus on control instead of speed! For the wall balls, I probably could have gone up to a 12lbs ball, the 8lbs was a bit too easy.
22 May 2012 WOD:
"Helen" - 3 rounds in 20:00 (finished in 15:50)
400m run
21 kettle bells swings (12 lbs)
12 pull ups (green band)
I wish the whole workout was running. That would've been awesome. Instead, there were pull ups. Always with the pull ups.
Last night was officially the first time I'd ever touched a kettle bell so I learned how to do three different versions of kettle bell swings.
Definitely didn't keep my core tight enough during the second round of the kettle bell swings in the workout (guess who was rushing!) and my back is a bit tight today. Not a big deal, should be fine for tonight's class.
Again last night I was shaking, like a leaf, after the workout. My forearms were spasming a bit immediately after the workout, likely from the pull ups but they settled down pretty quickly. The rest of me however, took longer to recover and it wasn't until I got home and ate a bit that I really started to feel like I was pulled back together!
Have I told you lately how much I love CrossFit?
Is the WOD up yet?
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